I bought a plain cream (or white) tile that was 6 inches by 6 inches. The tile cost less than a dollar. I purchased Mod Podge which is a sealer.

I printed out one of my 12 x 12 layouts to fit this tile. I'm guessing it was 5.75 x 5.75 inches. I placed the photo onto the tile and then brushed the Mod Podge over the top. I did three coats and let the tile sit over night inbetween coats.

I did one for each of the kids with my favorite layout from that year. I purchased little easels for them and that was it. I gave them to their grandparents. It was such a simple project. You certainly wouldn't need to do a layout that includes pictures. There are so many great products in the store, you could easily create something beautiful for a kitchen or a bathroom.
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