Friday, March 30, 2012
New Look
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for reading my blog. I started blogging a couple of years ago mostly to share pictures of my kids with our family. About a year ago, I decided that I wanted to use it as a means of sharing my passion for scrapbooking with others. I really didn't know if anybody was going to read it but I decided to start writing and see what happens. I really enjoy blogging and I'm always trying to figure out new topics to write about. If you have any topic ideas, I would love to hear them.
I am excited to tell you that my new class that will start in May will go on sale in the next couple of days so check back here for all of the details. I'm excited to share them with you. Have a great day!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Baby Eagles
I sit in awe as I watch this. It all seems so simple and so natural. I can't help but think of my own experience in parenting. I have an undergraduate degree in child psychology, a masters degree in adolescent counseling, read a good share of books on parenting and I still don't even come close to having any of this "parenting" thing down. Then I watch these eagles and it all seems simple. Love your babies...take care of your babies....protect your babies and the rest all falls into place.
It has been so refreshing to see the beauty of life through these bald eagles. If you haven't taken a peek yet, I would strongly encourage you to do so.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Random Inspiration Challenge - Silhouettes
I find inspiration for pages everywhere that I look. I came across this image and immediately thought this would be a great image to put out there for a challenge. I love to use a silhouette for a number of reasons. The first being that it is bold and immediately grabs the viewer's attention. You can also create any type of background you want to go with it because you are not tied to a color scheme. And finally you can save a very poor photo by changing the subject into a silhouette.

This is a photo that I love taken of my children and nieces on Thanksgiving night. The quality of the image is not there but if you look beyond that at the shape of their bodies together....well, I just think it is so sweet.

This is the page that I created for it to start out the challenge.

How do you make a silhouette?
1) Open your image
2) Select your magnetic lasso tool and start slowly moving it around your subject
3) When the marching ants encircle your subject, you can enter a feather radius value of 3 pixels to soften the edges (In PS, this can be found under Select...Modify and in Elements this can be found under Select)
4) Select Inverse (under Select on the top menu bar) and delete the rest of your photo so you have an extraction
5) Activate the marching ants around your extraction and create a new layer above it.
6) Fill the extraction with black.
7) If you would like to clean up your silhouette a bit just use a small black paint brush and an eraser.
I've used silhouettes a number of times and thought I would share some other pages with you.

This page I created for Pattie Knox's Art Journaling Class several years ago which was awesome. I think Pattie is going to bring this series back to Creative Passion which will be fabulous.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
March Pages
I thought I would share some pages that I created in March.

Friday, March 23, 2012
Bald Eagles

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
From the Top Down
When I am desiging a page, I always start with the photo and then build my page underneath it. Figuring out the design of my page is my favorite aspect of creating. I just love the challenge of it and trying to think of new ways to present my images. I always want the photos to be the most important aspect of the page and then I just build a backdrop to support that. This is where I started with this page. I knew that I wanted to use Lynn's new kit as my backdrop. I selected a white frame to make the photo come off of the paper a bit more.

Then I wanted to bring a little bit more color into the page which I accomplished with the second background paper as well as the second frame. I decided to use a torn edge to bring some ruggedness and texture to my page.

Then I added my cluster. I like to use clusters to give the page more interest as well as to help the eye move around the page. This cluster includes some floral brushwork, a flower, a bow and some leaves.

I really like to frame my is just part of my style. It feels more complete to me and it allows me to bring in more color. This is where I ended up with this page.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Staying on top of Project 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012
A New Concept in Photography
My girls are in an ice show coming up and they got their costumes which I think are adorable. I wanted to get some shots of them in their costumes and this was the perfect excuse to give the studio a try. The studio is called "UClick" and it costs $35 per hour. They have a natural light studio or a formal studio. I of course wanted the natural light studio. It is also loaded with backdrops and props. When I called to set up our appointment a few weeks ago, I talked to the owner. She said "I'm not a photographer, I'm just a mom who liked to have my children's pictures taken in a formal setting and I was sick of paying a lot of money for the proofs when I could have taken them myself". I immediately liked this lady because she took the words right out of my mouth.
We had a GREAT experience and I will be doing this again. For $35.00, I got a ton of pictures and was thrilled with the outcome. Here are the girls in their costumes. The costumes are designed for the 70's and they will be skating to "the Monkey's" theme song.
Well, if I had the studio for a whole know I was taking full advantage so Q was in on the action as well.
I really like the whole concept of it. I thought it was a great price for what I was able to get out of it. I guess they are booking three weeks out on the weekends which leads me to believe that there are others who clearly see the advantages of this method.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Creative Passion Blog
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
This and That
Persnickety Prints Sale. I have all my individual pages printed at Persnickety Prints and I CANNOT imagine going anywhere else. The quality of the images is incredible and the customer service is top-notch as well. I strongly encourage you to check it out. I know I will be taking advantage of this.
Masterful Scrapbook Designs - I am excited to share with you that I get the privilege of teaching at Masterful Scrapbook Designs in May. Debbie has such a great program going there. She invites guest teachers in each month to share their work and talk about their creative process. It is so fun and inspiring. The topic for May is "Portraits, Moments, Lists & 365ers (Scrapbooking when there is no big and obvious story). I have been busy getting ready for this.
Digital U - We just had our second webinar for Digital U. I have so much fun doing these with Amy Kingsford and Pattie Knox. This webinar focused on quick photo fixes. Amy showed how to remove marks from someone's face, Pattie showed how to fix pet eye issues and I shared how to fix lighting. If you have registered for Digital U the recording will be available later today. If you haven't registered, I encourage you to do is free and it is fun! Our next Digital U will be on Thursday, April 12th at 9:00 pm EST. I hope to see you there.
Maple Syrup - Last year our good friend asked if he could tap the maple trees in our backyard. We collected the syrup and he boiled it down. We clearly got the better end of that deal. It was such a fun learning experience for all of us. We tapped our trees again this week and they are doing great. Our friend is concerned that the warm temperatures are going to impact our production but so far so good.

Friday, March 9, 2012
Creative Composites
These are the pages that I will be demonstrating during Creative Composites...

Adding Video to Your Scrapbook

At any rate, I always thought it would be so cool to be able to incorporate live video in a scrapbook. It would be the best of both worlds. Somebody posted this link in the forum at Designer Digitals and it stopped and made me think some more about the possiblities for this. Many of you know about Project Life that was introduced by Becky Higgins who I would say was one of the most influential people in my style of scrapbooking. I love her style....clean lines, great designs and getting the story on paper. So many people around the world have embarked on Project Life and found something that fit for them. A way to document everyday life that people can keep up with. This video that was shared shows how somebody loaded their videos from their trip to Disneyworld to youtube and then placed the bar codes in their project life album. As this person turned to a page, she could sit with her phone, scan the bar code from her album and immediately see footage of that moment on her phone. I think it is a fascinating idea and who knows where this is going to end up. There is a whole lot of potential there and certainly something to think about.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Digital U
If you are not familiar with Digital U, I just want to mention once again that it is completely free. You just need to register for Digital U at Creative Passion. Once you are registered, you will have the opportunity to sign up for the live webinars. I need to mention that we only have 100 spots in each webinar and I'll just say that we are getting very close to that for Sunday's session. If you are interested in attending, please head on over and register.
If you haven't attended a webinar before, I encourage you to give it a try. The recording of the last webinar "Title Time" is available at Creative Passion. The webinar is structured so that you can take a peek at Amy, Pattie and my computer screens as we explain something about our topic. If you have questions, you just type them into your computer and we work them in as we go. I'll just say that Amy and Pattie are a TON of fun and I had a great time during our first session. I hope you can join us.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Project 2012