Quinn is now collecting beer bottle caps and the neighborhood is doing their part to make sure that his collection is plentiful...

A little trip to the zoo...

A playdate with friends...

The kids always race around the cul de sac on their bikes and scooters. We have THE BEST neighbors ever. Fritz our neighbor fits in perfectly with the kids. Last year he came back from a motorcycle convention with a miniature motorcycle that he HAD to get because it had Quinn's name on it...it is called a Q-50...here he is racing the kids on the Q-50 with Wiley chasing him of course...later in the week, it was this same scenario except this time he pulled out his Harley. Never a dull moment in the cul de sac.

Wednesday night is ice cream truck night...the kids would be alright waiting on the curb from the moment they get out of bed that day...

We have a really quiet weekend which is nice. We are having a "girls afternoon out" as they like to call it. We are going to do a little school shopping which will be interesting. My girls are EXACT opposite. One of them won't wear anything except a t-shirt and shorts and the other one goes through about four outfits a day. I'm guessing my family and friends can guess who is who. I will need a lot of patience for this outing.
I hope you all have a fabulous weekend. Thanks for stopping by and I'll look forward to "seeing" you on Tuesday!
If Quinn wants some Dutch beerbottle caps just let me know, LOL. We have some!!! Love the pictuers. Enjoy the rest of the vacation!!