Earlier this summer, I created a page for each of my kids regarding what they are into at this particular stage of the game. I thought it would be kind of fun to do this for myself. As many of you know, my mother passed away many years ago and there is so many details about her life that I wish I could remember or even that I wish I would have asked her. Once I became mom, this became even more apparent. I was so overwhelmed and had so many questions for her....seven and half years into it and I still feel overwhelmed! As I sat down to write this page, I kept thinking about her. I wrote about the things that I enjoy doing with my kids...I wondered what were her favorite things about being a mom....I wrote about some of the little things that frustrated me as well as the things that I am passionate about. I really wish I could get her perspective on her life as a mom. I kept this in mind as I created this page and I really had fun just rambling out random facts about who I am at 39 years old (YIKES...when did that happen). Someday my kids will get a kick out of this...I hope!
I decided that I should have a photo on this page despite my aversion for being in front of the camera. I set up the tripod on our back patio. Ellie came out and saw what was going on and her eyes lit up. She took over from that point and had me doing all of the goofy little poses that I always suggest for the kids. Then Amelia came out and wanted in on the action. Wiley was wandering through as well...I tried to get some shots with him but he really wasn't interested. It was kind of fun even though I feel a little weird about having my face all over a page. I guess I am just making up for the fact that I am never on any pages because I always have the camera...I like that!
Here is the page that I created:

Here are some additional All About Me pages that I had done last year...

I hope you take some time to create some pages about yourself. They are fun to do and YOU ARE IMPORTANT. You have a story to tell and believe me there are many people that really want to hear it.
Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!
Well Jana you know what I think about this particular topic, LOL I've said it often enough. Bravo. Your children will love that you did this.