The kids had a ball trick or treating tonight. Here are a couple of pics. Quinn opted to stay in the wagon the entire time as long as he had a sucker! I also thought that was the best option...Tiggers can be fast you know!
Happy Halloween Everybody! Our kids are certainly excited. I hope the weather cooperates. We had a fun day today. Jeff took yesterday and today off which was awesome especially since he never does that. We went to the Mall of America today and had so much fun. We went to Underwater World. I had never been there before and I thought it was AMAZING! Then hit a few rides...had a hard time convincing Quinn that he would be alright if he left the "BIG RIGS" and then had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe...a fun, fun morning. Here are some pics of the last few days...
Amelia singing at her school Halloween program...well, kind of singing. She always sings very quiet in this type of situation and afterwards I asked her about it & she responded..."Mom, I sing quiet because I don't want the other moms to hear...I just want you to hear" sweet is that!
Happy 7th Birthday Wiley! I can't believe he is that old already. He really has been an awesome dog and we are so lucky to have him. We celebrated tonight with his favorite dinner, ham & white cake & ice cream! Yesterday, Ellie did a great job singing in church and then we carved pumpkins and grandpa Wayne came over for dinner which is always a treat. Notice in the picture with Grandpa Wayne, everybody has m&m's in their mouths. I hope you had a great day!
When the kids wake up each morning, they immediately ask me what we are doing today. I told them that today we were going trick or treating on mainstreet in the morning & then going to a halloween party in the afternoon at the park. There were probably heard them from whereever you are & Ellie responds with "this is a DOUBLE DECKER DAY"...yes, always know just what to say. Maple Grove does such a fantastic job with the kids. They trick or treated this morning at the various businesses on main street and then had a huge party at the park in the afternoon. Quinn wasn't quite sure about his Tigger costume but once he saw what it led to, he could have worn it forever. Ellie was WonderWoman which couldn't have been more perfect & Amelia couldn't quite decide. She was a princess in the morning & then decided to get more specific in the afternoon and turned into Princess Ariel.Quinn made a note to get a trick or treat bag next year with wheels...he dragged this one all over...WonderWoman got a new "colorful" do at the party...Need I say more...the perfect costume for Miss Elliana...And then there is sweet little Ariel...
This week went by quickly despite the weather. Everybody has been healthy in our house (knock on wood) except for some minor runny noses. Quinn is really starting to talk. I can't believe what a change it has been in a week. We are probably the only ones that can truly understand him but it has been amazing to watch the changes. Yesterday, he came to find me & said "poopoo potty" and immediately headed to the bathroom where he got the potty seat out from under the sink & put it on the potty. Of course nothing happened when I put him on there but he was so pleased with himself & was beaming when he flushed....I tried to explain there wasn't anything to flush but he gave me a look like that truly didn't matter in life! Both of the girls continue to LOVE school & can't wait to get there. Jeff had a tough week of work because some virus got in and had to do a couple of overnighters...not fun!
I'm wondering if Ellie is the only one sad when she doesn't have school...she wasn't buying the whole MEA business. Here are some shots of the last couple of days. We've had fun playing with friends. Making eggs this morning... Mia doing the chicken dance while she's making scrambled eggs...
Quinn & his prom date, Viv...
He couldn't stop following her or keep his hands off of her but decided to take a "cooler" approach & to watch from afar...
Viv...isn't she a doll....
Check out this picture of the crew...YES, that is all six kids smiling...amazing!
Quinn & Amelia going for the knockout on Wii...
Loving his choo choos...
Lauren & Hannah were over for a playdate on are Mia, Quinn, & Lauren racing down the stairs...
Quinn LOVES his books & his sisters LOVE to read with him...